Recommendations for You

Recommendations for You

Today I like to share some valuable articles with you and in addition,a choice of 3 different categories to use – for your next projects. So let’s get right into it… Take a look at the following selection of articles: ✱ 7 Ways to use Corporate Gifts and Incentives ✱ What is the most important…

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Be different and create better results

Be different and create better results

Nowadays it’s more important to stand out from the crowd than ever before. We are daily bombarded with a mountain of messages to catch our attention. So much noise – so much choice. Most of us are overwhelmed by the flood of information. We’re scanning through our emails, listening to voice messages, reading articles, and…

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Impressions! That’s what counts

Impressions! That’s what counts

Imagine a long corridor with several doors to pass before finally reaching your destination. “You have 7 seconds, Andreas!” the Communication trainer said.“Seven seconds?” I replied. “Yes, that’s right. You’ve got 7 seconds.” WOW – it takes only 7 seconds to establish if we like or dislike somebody. Within this short timeframe, we humans just…

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Music Band – Promotions to Increase your Revenue

Music Band – Promotions to Increase your Revenue

Your Band is Your Business. Your Band is Your Brand. If you’re just starting as a Band or are cold ‘longtime players’,your marketing and promotional efforts are just part of the Mix to generate revenue. Without revenue it’s just a Hobby and not a way of generating income. So, let’s talk Business. Let’s talk about…

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Boost your Marketing Efforts 22-fold with Storytelling

Boost your Marketing Efforts 22-fold with Storytelling

Marketing and Selling are the livelihood for every business. Both have different objectives… Selling is all about asking the right questions.Marketing is about positioning and telling the right story. Telling a story is way more effective than communicating facts and benefits alone! “Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone.” What kind…

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